
Electronic medical records training programs nc online
Electronic medical records training programs nc online

electronic medical records training programs nc online

Note: The NC HIEA strongly recommends that providers choose a vendor from among the list (link below) of those that are already engaged in the NC HealthConnex connection process to ensure that they meet the technical requirements for connectivity: Vendor List (v) for calendar year 2017, had behavioral health, mental health, or intellectual and developmental disorder services providers make up 75% of their affiliated health care providers based on NC TRACKS data. (iv) attest that they do not have electronic health record technology or attest that they do have a practice management system as of January 1, 2018, that could be upgraded to an electronic health record (iii) attest that they have not received funding for EHR adoption or meaningful use (ii) provide behavioral health, mental health, or intellectual and developmental disorder services (See taxonomy list) (i) are Medicaid-enrolled outpatient practices that have an active NPI number in NCTracks This program is designed to support health care practices that: All other providers who receive funds from the State for the pro- vision of health care services must connect by June 1, 2019, even if they do not currently have an EHR system. Physicians, hospitals, and mid-level practitioners who receive Medicaid reimbursement and who currently have an electronic health record (EHR) must connect by June 1, 2018. Pursuant to North Carolina Session Law 2015-241, as amended by North Carolina Session Law 2017-57, health care providers who accept Medicaid reimbursement for the provision of health care services must connect to the designated state-wide health information exchange, which is operated by the NC Health InformationĮxchange Authority (NC HIEA) within the Department of Information Technology (DIT). The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services Office of Rural Health (ORH) and Division of Medical Assistance (DMA) partnered with the NC Health Information Exchange Authority (NC HIEA) to launch a program to assist behavioral health, mental health, and intellectual development and disability practices with purchasing an Electronic Health Record (EHR) technology and establishing connectivity to the state-designated health information exchange, NC HealthConnex. If you would like to receive this reimbursement grant in order to implement an EHR, we will need all of your receipts for reimbursement no later than September 30, 2019. However, the funding available for the reimbursement grant will still only be available through the pre-existing deadlines. The passage of House Bill 70 has altered compliance criteria for connecting to NC HealthConnex, pushing back most deadlines by one year. June 14th - Medicaid Transformation and other updates - ( Recording Link, slides attached) For more information on Medicaid Transformation please click here or e-mail For more information about Behavioral Health i/DD Tailored Plans click here. May 10th - NCCARE360, North Carolina’s New Resource Platform ( Recording Link) March 8th - Considerations for Selecting and Implementing an EHR in a Behavioral Healthcare Organization ( Recording Link)Īpril 12th - NC HealthConnex NEW HIE Platform demo (April Teletown Hall Recording link)

electronic medical records training programs nc online

11th – The Participation Agreement with the HIEA for NC HealthConnex ( Recording Link, slides attached)įeb 8th - NCAHEC Practice Support Services and EHR Implementation Considerations ( Recording Link, slides attached) NC EHR Funding Program for BH-IDD Providers Expense Reportĭecember 14th - Welcome and General Information Session ( Recording Link, slides attached) North Carolina EHR Program for Behavioral Heath Tip Sheet Below are some program reminders as we close out this grant funding opportunity.Ĭlick the following links to access the North Carolina EHR Funding Program Tip Sheet and Expense Report: We hope the webinars, EHR resources, and technical assistance provided over the past few months have been helpful. Rural HIT Specialists are designated by region and can be found by clicking this link: Rural HIT Specialist For additional assistance with the North Carolina EHR Funding Program, please contact your assigned Rural HIT Specialist. If your BH/IDD organization is participating in this program, please see the monthly webinar links and program information below. The application period for this program closed on 5/31/18. Thank you for your interest in the North Carolina EHR Funding Program for Behavioral Health/IDD Providers.

Electronic medical records training programs nc online